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best indoor plants to grow from seeds

Whatever your reason may be for adding plants into your home or simply as companionship, there are various indoor plant seeds available to choose from that may do just the trick.

Finding the appropriate seeds for your ideal growing conditions is the key to successful growing. Careful consideration must be given to factors such as light intensity, temperature, soil type and humidity levels when making this determination.

Chrysalidocarpus lutescens

Chrysalidocarpus lutescens, commonly referred to as golden cane palm, butterfly palm and areca palm is an endemic species from Madagascar that grows up to 30 feet tall. A member of the Arecaceae family, this specimen plant can tolerate low light conditions making it suitable for indoor use in temperate zones such as temperate zones.

To get these tropical plants growing from seeds, start sowing the seedlings in mineral-based cat litter (non-clumping) or perlite in plastic pots and lightly cover with soil or growing medium.

Germination can take between four and six months for seeds to germinate successfully in their containers, so during that time you should ensure they remain moist.

Once seedlings reach one centimetre in height, thin them out until there are only one or two clumps remaining and then transfer to a slightly larger container with more room. It is essential not to pull up their delicate roots when transplanting as doing so could damage new plants.

This easy-to-grow lithops requires little care beyond regular watering and maintaining an ideal climate – whether indoors or planted as a pendulum arrangement.

Ceropegia woodii

Ceropegia woodii, commonly known as the string of hearts plant or rosary vine, is an easy houseplant to propagate by cuttings. With fast growth and small heart-shaped leaves that make this plant perfect for indoor environments.

Additionally, this plant thrives under various lighting conditions; it does well under indirect illumination as well as bright direct sunlight.

As it can grow quickly, this plant makes an excellent starter plant for beginner gardeners. You can grow it from seeds but more commonly by stem cuttings.

Taken stem cuttings will ensure your new plant has a strong root system, with three ways of propagating Ceropegia using these stem cuttings: planting them directly in sterile soil, growing them in water or placing them directly onto substrate.

In either instance, it is crucial that the cuttings stay hydrated by regularly spraying soil/growing media with water. This will help avoid issues like rot and powder mildew forming on them.


Hippeastrum bulbs make an ideal indoor plant to start from seeds, as they’re easy to grow from seeds while remaining simple to look after.

These sturdy plants are often called amaryllis in the UK, though they belong to the Hippeastrum family (Amaryllidaceae). With large trumpet-shaped blooms that come in an array of hues and varieties.

Bulbs are generally pest free, yet you should still take precautions against problems like bulb scale mites and bulb rot.

Also, they may be vulnerable to fungal diseases like Stagonospora curtisii which manifests itself with red spots on leaves and flower stems causing breakage or withering of the plant.

To propagate this plant, carefully take note of which small bulbs at the base of its parent bulb you remove and plant them into dry potting soil in another pot. When planted together they should produce bulbs with similar flowering characteristics to its predecessors.

Staghorn fern

Growing from seeds is an excellent way to begin an indoor plant collection, though you’ll likely require patience before your first try at seed-growing produces an impressive collection. Beyond just germinating seeds, however, you must provide a healthy environment conducive to their development and thriver growth.

Staghorn Ferns flourish in their native habitat by collecting fallen leaves from nearby trees and plants that decompose and release nutrients back into its soil, but this process cannot occur when grown outside its natural setting. Therefore, you will need to provide regular feedings using a balanced liquid fertilizer product.

Staghorn Ferns typically require weekly summer and every 2-3 week winter waterings. Humidity levels will also influence how often you need to water, as the sterile fronds absorb more moisture in humid environments than other places. Misting can help boost moisture levels and extend time between watering sessions.


Rhipsalis makes an excellent seedling option, as there are multiple species you can grow from seed and they require minimal maintenance.

Rhipsalis can be grown from seeds by scattering the small seeds onto a growing medium and covering them lightly with soil. You should aim not to plant more than 1/4″ deep; and for optimal results start your plants indoors in a warm room.

Select a potting medium that provides rapid drainage. This doesn’t necessarily entail soil without gritty particles, but rather one with large particles (such as sphagnum moss or coir) so water drains away quickly from roots.

As with other cacti, Rhipsalis should be watered regularly to keep its roots moist; however, overwatering must be avoided by using a moisture meter to check that soil moisture levels don’t drop too low.

Caladium Bicolor

Caladium Bicolor, commonly referred to as Elephant Ear Plants, feature stunning heart-shaped green leaves in an array of vibrant hues. Natives to tropical regions and prefering an environment with ample light sources; making these houseplants excellent choices!

Plant Caladium bulbs in spring in well-draining soil amended with rich organic matter, placing the knobby side facing up about one to two inches below ground surface.

Once planted, newly established seeds should be watered moderately but occasionally. You should check back after several days to see if more moisture may be required.

Once the buds are dense with foliage, it is essential to remove any damaged or dead leaves to keep the plants healthy. Regular pruning of caladiums every two or three weeks is key for maintaining their vibrant foliage.

Caladiums do not need much fertilizer, so use only sparingly. A water-soluble liquid fertilizer works best. Also keeping soil moist while preventing overwatering are keys to keeping these flowers thriving.

Alocasia cuprea

Alocasia cuprea, commonly referred to in gardening circles as stingray alocasia, is one of the easiest indoor plants to start from seeds. With its distinctive metallic sheen and vibrant colors, Alocasia cuprea makes an attractive addition to any garden or indoor environment.

As with other houseplants, this species requires regular watering. Keep it away from draughts that could dry it out and use a fertiliser labelled “Houseplant”.

Pruning every year, by removing damaged or yellowed leaves to make space for new growth, can also bring great rewards. Before using your pruning shears it’s essential that they be properly sterilized.

Alternative strategies include root division. When planting new roots or baby offsets carefully and compacting soil around them, remember to do it carefully and gently.

Once your seeds have germinated and reached 3-4 inches in height, transfer them into their new pots.

As with any indoor plant, Alocasia cuprea should also be monitored for pests such as mealybugs that steal their nutrients needed by the plant to thrive. Regular inspection should be undertaken for signs of infestation to remove any infected leaves as soon as possible.


Nasturtiums are stunning flowers that thrive both outdoors and indoors, as well as being easy to care for if you wish for more blooms. Their care requirements don’t vary much between plants unless additional blooming is desired.

Plants such as basil are known to serve as natural deterrents against garden pests like aphids and cabbage worms, making them an invaluable addition to a vegetable garden. Their leaves and flowers can also add color and peppery spice to salads, cocktails or side dishes of other vegetables.

Start seeds indoors using peat starter pots, then transplant into larger pots when they sprout. Use high-quality potting soil mix, making sure to cover each seed with approximately half an inch of sifted soil to help it germinate properly.

Nasturtiums are easy to grow from seed, with minimal maintenance once established. While they prefer full sun conditions, they’ll tolerate partial shade as long as it drains properly and thrive even in poor soil. Container gardening may also work for this species of flower – just ensure the container provides ample drainage capacity!

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